Understanding the Instagram Algorithm in 2022

The days of sharing perfectly curated photos and witty captions on Instagram are over. Since everyone’s favourite photo-sharing platform took a dramatic turn in 2022, a lot of creators and businesses have been left wondering how this affects both their social media and overall marketing strategy. 

Whether your business account has seen a major drop in engagement, or you’re just looking for new ways to grow your account on social media, read on for our best tips to grow your Instagram account in this new era.

What is the Instagram “algorithm”?

Instagram has a series of algorithms that determine what users do and don’t see on the app. Its purpose is to tailor each user’s experience to make better use of the time spent on the app and show content that they care about. These algorithms analyze every piece of content shared on the app, and use important signals and information like keywords, location tags, and engagement metrics to determine the right audience for each piece of content. 

According to Head of Instagram Adam Mosseri, the most important signals the algorithms use to rank content are:

  • Information about the post, including how popular it is, when it was posted, and its location tags.

  • Information about the account, like how many times people have interacted with their previous posts.

  • Your activity, including what type of posts you typically engage with.

  • Your history of interacting with someone, like how often you engage with each other’s posts.

How did the algorithm change in 2022?

Instagram is constantly releasing new features and adjusting the algorithms to deliver the best experience for its users, at times to the detriment of businesses.

Here are some of the key changes in 2022:

  • More recommended content. Instagram’s default feed will include more recommended content based on what it thinks will interest you, particularly favouring reels.

  • New “Favourites” and “Following” view. As Instagram continues to add more recommended content to the default feed, the introduction of the “Favourites” and “Following” view allow users the option to view the latest posts from accounts they follow first, in chronological order.

  • Prioritization of original content. Instagram will prioritize posts that have not been shared by someone else on the app, and de-prioritize posts with visible watermarks from other apps (like TikTok). 

How to adapt your social media strategy in 2022

1. Re-evaluate your goals and KPIs.

With all its new updates and changes, Instagram isn’t the same platform it was a few years ago, so consider how you want your social media strategy to work for you in 2022. Do you want to build a stronger brand? Attract more customers? Based on your goals, identify key performance indicators and metrics that align with your business’ definition of growth, and work on creating content that can help you succeed in that area. 

2. Create more reels.

Instagram has been undergoing a shift towards a video-based platform for a while now, and with its recent announcement merging videos with reels, the platform is going to be prioritizing reels content more than ever. 

Reels don’t have to be professionally-produced masterpieces either. Users love to see authentic, behind-the-scenes content, too, and you can now even use the new templates feature if you require a little extra help.

Here are three tips to keep in mind when creating reels:

  1. Shoot in vertical. We recommend capturing multiple clips with a variety of pans, close-ups, and stills.

  2. Use trending audio and transitions to stay updated on what’s trending. 

  3. Keep them short and fun!

3. Drive conversations with engaging captions and story stickers.

Instagram takes into consideration users’ history of interaction with your account, as well as your posts’ engagement metrics, such as comments, shares, and saves, when determining whether or not to show your post. To increase the probability of your content being shared with more people, drive conversations with engaging captions on your posts that encourage users to comment on, share, and save your posts.

For stories, take advantage of Instagram’s story stickers, including polls, emoji sliders, and question boxes, as another way to build up that history of interaction with your followers. 

4. Include hashtags, keywords, and location tags in all your posts.

Hashtags, keywords, and location tags provide more information to the Instagram algorithm to help them find relevant people to share your posts to, and is key to expanding your reach beyond your followers. 

5. Consider partnering with other accounts.

Last year, Instagram released a new feature that allowed users to collaborate on posts. This allows your content to be shared on both you and your collaborator’s accounts, and potentially reach a whole new audience. 

If increasing follower count and reach is a KPI of yours, consider partnering with influencers or other like-minded businesses on a collaborative post or giveaway to expand your reach.

6. Try out Instagram’s newest features as they are released.

Instagram rewards accounts for using its platform to its fullest. Stay up-to-date on the app’s latest features, and test out ways they can fit into your social strategy. 

For example, Instagram recently launched a new Notes feature, that allows users to share disappearing status updates to their mutual followers and close friends, and searchable maps to help users explore local businesses through location tags and search. Take advantage of these new features before everyone else gets on them! 

7. Review analytics monthly and re-evaluate.

Review your analytics and strategy each month to evaluate what is and isn’t working. What are your best performing posts? What type of content is receiving the most engagement? Ultimately, social media is all about testing out different types of content and finding out what best captures your audience’s attention.

The Takeaway

The key to a successful Instagram strategy is to stay updated on the app’s constant changes, and consider how they can be incorporated into your existing strategy. Always test new types of content to see what appeals to your audience, and remember to engage – it is a social platform afterall!

As a full service PR and marketing agency, SMC Communications works with a range of clients to help get their message across on social media. To learn more about our social media management and content creation services, connect with us at smc@shelleymcarthur.com.

Emma Simons