Custom Instagram Fonts 101

Playful custom fonts are a great way to add a pop of personality to your social media content. But while Instagram offers multiple typeface options when creating Stories, users are required to use the basic default option when creating captions for a static post, IGTV video description and in their account bio.   If you want to level up your content game, experimenting with third-party platforms to reformat your text and generate compatible Unicode fonts and symbols that can be used across your Instagram account.   Here’s everything you need to know to start adding custom Instagram fonts to your content that’ll help strengthen your brand identity and make your account stand out from the crowd.

Use an Instagram Font Generator

You can find many free Instagram font generators online with a quick Google search. While there are a number of options out there, our digital team at SMC Communications likes using because of its simplicity and diverse variety. From here, it’s just a few easy steps to transform your text from ordinary to unexpected:

  • Open the URL in your browser. We recommend using your mobile device to ensure you can easily copy and paste text from the font generator to your Instagram account.
  • Type your desired caption into the text box at the top of the page and hit done. Your copy automatically transforms with dozens of typeface options listed below. Font choices range from minimalist block letters to whimsical scripts and even backwards and upside-down lettering.
  • From here, simply copy the line of text you want from the font generator and paste it into the text box area of your Instagram bio, post caption or story.

What Does Your Font Say About You?

Fonts are a critical part of design and play a critical role in conveying the tone and emotion behind your brand messaging. With this in mind, it’s important to put some serious thought into your typeface choice. For example, bubble letters are youthful and not-too-serious, script-like Calligraphy fonts read as feminine and romantic, and san-serif fonts are more modern and contemporary. Think about your brand – and your audience – and consider the type of message you’re trying to convey and how different font choices might impact/alter how your content is perceived.

Use Custom Fonts Sparingly and Strategically

If you’re going to be incorporating custom fonts regularly into your Instagram content, be consistent. Using too many different typefaces muddles your brand identity and can be confusing and even annoying for your followers. Any custom fonts should also be used it sparingly. Highly stylized typefaces can be challenging to read – especially on smaller mobile phones and smart watches – so try to keep custom fonts to one or two lines. If you need to convey a lengthy message in your captions, it’s best to stick to Instagram’s default font for longer scripts.